31 Days of Self Care - Wellness Routines Support by Essential Oils

Day 1: Tune in...

Sit, close your eyes, tune in to your body and mind. What do you feel you need the most to find inner balance? Write it down. Put it on your bedside table. Look at it every morning and every evening.

Essential oils increasing self-awareness:
Lavender, Sandalwood, Black Spruce, Jasmine, Melissa

Learn more about Aromatic Use & Topical Use

Day 2: Take a Breath...

We often forget to breathe deeply. We can breathe in life and all that’s good, we can exhale what no longer serves us. Today, take a three-minute break every hour, focus on your breath and thoughts.

Essential oils supporting deep breathing:
Eucalyptus, Breathe Blend, Cardamom

Day 3: Pamper your...

Your hands do so much! Be kind to your hands. Massage your hands with a soothing essential oil (learn how today). Apply a moisturizing lotion daily infused with essential oils to soothe your hands.

Essential oils that soothe our hands:
Lavendar, Frankincense, Geranium, Rose, Helichrysum

Day 4: Declutter...

Decluttering helps us in so many ways! Take a few minutes today and get rid of something, whether it’s a physical item or deleting an app, something that takes up space in your life that is no longer needed.

Essential oils that help us with letting go:
Douglas Fir, Cypress, Thyme

Day 5: Schedule time...

Schedule time with a friend you haven’t seen in a while! I know time can be an issue but reach out, call, send a message, even if you can’t get together this month, make a plan to spend some well-deserved time together.

Essential oils that help us reconnect:
Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Passion Blend, Bergamot

Day 6: Treat yourself...

Treat yourself to something special today! Your favorite chocolate, that special dessert or a delicious dinner because you’ve earned it! Take a pic of your favorite treat and text it to me at 941-504-1968 to get entered to win one of many essential oil prizes on December 22nd!

Don’t forget to include your name so I can write it on your raffle ticket!

Day 7: Take ownership...

Take ownership in your wellbeing! Think about your top three wellness priorities. Take a piece of paper, create three columns, write each wellness goal on top of a column, make notes below about tools and techniques you want to use to achieve your goals. Include essential oils and supplements that can support your wellness. Not sure which? Text me at 941-504-1968 and I’ll be happy to give you some tips.

Day 8: Enjoy a...

Enjoy a walk in nature today! If you can’t, schedule it for some time this week! Make it non-negotiable. Spending time in nature reduces cortisol levels, helps us release tension, and soothes our emotions.

A wonderful blend that lets us experience ‘forest bathing’ benefits:
Shinrin-Yoku – Add it to your wishlist!
Learn more about aromatic use!

Day 9: Listen to...

Listen to music today that nurtures your soul! On your way to work, during breaks, when relaxing at home. Increase awareness for how it makes you feel! Music helps release stress, uplifts moods, and supports memory.

Try an essential oil that soothes your soul:
Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Blue Lotus

Day 10: Add a new...

Add a new healthy choice to your diet! Find a recipe to incorporate your new choice. Help yourself overcome hesitancy with trying new things, while expanding your diet! Text what you’ve tried to 941-504-1968 and get entered into my essential oil raffle on December 26th!

Make sure to include your name so I can write it on your raffle ticket!

Day 11: Send someone...

Send someone a note of appreciation today! Extending our gratitude or appreciation to someone doesn’t just make the other person happy, it increases our own positivity and joy.

Essential oils that help us open our heart:
Frankincense, Sandalwood, Black Spruce, Palmarosa, Bergamot

Day 12: Focus on...

Focus on only the good things today! I know some days can be more challenging than others but for today, make sure to take notice of EVERY little thing that is good in your day. Take notice with your heart and mind.

Apply over your heart area to find the good even in the midst of struggle:
Frankincense, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Cypress, Wild Orange

Day 13: Pamper your...

Pamper your feet today with this amazing foot soak recipe: 1/2 cup Epsom salt, 1/2 cup sea salt, 8-10 drops of essential oils (for instance 4 drops Lavender, 2 drops Geranium, 2 drops Tea Tree), blend well, keep in air-tight container. Add 1-2 tablespoons to a tub with warm water, soak your feet for 15 minutes, and relax. Create a weekly habit of incorporating a relaxing foot soak into your evening routine.

Day 14: Free yourself...

No social media day!! Do you think you can do it? Just for today? I know it may not be easy as we constantly feel the need to know, stay in touch, don’t want to miss anything… — BUT I challenge you to free yourself for one day!

Completed the challenge? You deserve a special treat! Text me at 941-504-1968 and I’ll text you back access to a really cool tool!

Day 15: Get the best...

Get the best sleep — not just sleeping through the night but feeling refreshed and energized when waking up. How? Here are the tools and techniques you need. Waking up at a certain time at night? Find out why.

Essential oils supporting more restful sleep:
Serenity Blend, Lavender, Vetiver, Petitgrain, Spikenard

Day 16: Make a list...

Make a list of things you are truly grateful for in your life. Even challenges can be something to be grateful for because they make us grow. Create your list and set it on your bedside table. Keep adding to it. Read it before you go to sleep.

Essential oils that can help us focus:
Rosemary, Frankincense, Peppermint

Day 17: Take a break...

Try to take a break and carve out some time for yourself to rest. Make a plan and realize it within the next few days. Get creative, delegate some chores, ask for help, make it your goal to find a couple of hours of extra time for yourself.

Essential oils for rest and relaxation:
Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Black Spruce

Day 18: Find a...

Find a podcast to a topic that interests you! When we keep learning we not only grow as a person, it supports our brain and may slow cognitive and memory decline as we age.

My favorite EOs supporting the brain:
Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rosemary

Interested in how to best use them?
Text me at 941-504-1968.

Day 19: Share your...

Share your favorite essential oil with us. How does it make you feel? How do you use it? Visit my Instagram or FB page today and simply comment on my post to get THREE TICKETS entered into the essential oils raffle for December 26th!

Day 20: Watch your...

Watch your favorite funny movie! Laughter lowers cortisol levels reducing stress, boosts moods, brings more oxygen to the brain, lungs, and body. Curl up with a comfy blanket and your favorite beverage or snack and simply take your mind off everything for a few hours. Diffuse some Cypress or Black Spruce for even greater benefits, as it helps us release and let go.

Day 21: Donate something...

Donate something to charity, support a cause dear to your heart, volunteer for something or give an unexpected gift. Generosity uplifts our moods, makes us feel content and connected, and boosts self-esteem. It can even help lower blood pressure.

Essential oils make wonderful caring gifts.

Day 22: Dance to...

Dance to your favorite songs today! Dancing helps us in so many ways, it reduces stress, uplifts moods, increases energy levels, helps improve balance, coordination, and flexibility – a wonderful treat for body and soul!

Apply your favorite essential oil to the inside of your wrists and over your heart area and get moving!

Day 23: Boost your...

Boost your immune system! The holidays bring gatherings, more people out and about shopping, increasing our chances of ‘catching’ something. Download this free eBook with some great tips on boosting your immune support.

A staple in my household is OnGuard Essential oil blend, I’m never without.

Day 24: Call someone...

Call someone who may be feeling lonely over the holidays. Reconnect, share memories, laugh, and make a plan of getting together. Your caring action can totally change someone’s day!

Diffuse some Frankincense with a hint of Cinnamon, Clove, and Wild Orange for a warm holiday scent.

Day 25: Create new...

Create new vibes! Today do something differently, add something to your usual morning routine, something that supports your wellbeing physically and/or emotionally, and make it a new daily habit. It can become as easy as brushing your teeth.

Here is a suggestion: add a calming essential oil like Balance blend, Lavender, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, or Frankincense to support a new morning routine.

Day 26: Raffle drawing...

Today is the day! Stay tuned to see whether you’ve won one of many essential oil and wellness raffle prizes. Check my Instagram and FB page for raffle winner announcements.

Please note: prizes can only be shipped to domestic US addresses.

Day 27: Protect your...

Protect your energy! Do you easily take on the emotions of others around you? Here is a neat little exercise you can practice creating a ‘protective bubble’ to protect your mindset and your energy. View Video.

Great essential oil blend to accompany this routine:
Frankincense, Sandalwood, Palmarosa and Neroli essential oils
My Heart & Soul Blend

Day 28: Soothe your...

Soothe your digestive system! The holidays can be rough on our digestion. Eating different foods and indulging in special treats can make us feel heavy and bloated or create other digestive discomforts. My secret weapon: Terrazyme Digestive Enzymes.

Your task for today: Join me for a 30-Day digestive health journey and start out the new year creating a great foundation of knowledge and wellbeing.

Day 29: Love your...

Love your face! Pamper yourself today and nurture your skin with a wonderful restorative face mask. Recipe Link.

Want to learn more about your skin type and which essential oils work best for you?
Download my free eBook ‘My Secrets to Youthful Looking Skin‘ and make sure to check out MetaPWR Advantage an amazing collagen product nurturing your skin from the inside out.

Day 30: Thinking about...

Thinking about goals for 2024? Great! Pick three goals. One goal you can accomplish within a few weeks, one that may take a few months, and one for the year. Write your goals down. Be specific. Share your goals with someone who will cheer you on and support you!

My favorite blend to overcome fears and go past what we feel is possible:
Cypress, Juniper Berry, Black Spruce, Rosemary and Bergamot

Day 31: Pick a theme...

Pick a theme for 2024! Choosing a mantra or theme of who we want to be or how we want to feel can help tie together our many daily choices and decisions, paving the way towards long lasting results. Here are some ideas.

Share your theme with me by texting it to 941-504-1968 and receive a special gift for 2024!


Raffle will be held on December 26th, 2023.
Shipping only to continental US addresses.

Prizes: 15ml Lavender, 15ml Spearmint, 15ml Peppermint, 15ml Lime, 15ml Wild Orange, 10ml Forgive (Release & Let Go), 10ml Motivate, Peppermint Inhaler, Motivate Inhaler, 1 hour FREE Consultation (via Zoom).

You have questions? I have answers. Please connect.

Need any essential oils? Text me your list at 941-504-1968 and
I’ll text you a link to get them with a 25% discount.

Already have a doTERRA account?
Simply add the oils you need to your next order.

Happy New Year 2024 - Make it a Year of Wellness infused with essential oils


The information presented is for educational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for medical counseling. The statements made above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.