notice the small things - use essential oils to help

Your ability to find beauty in the small things is an act and expression of self-compassion which nourishes you emotionally. It invites gratitude into your life, allowing you to cherish the simple, often overlooked little things that surround you. When intentionally opening your eyes, heart, and mind, you naturally become more mindful, grounding yourself in the present moment. This mindfulness becomes a gentle antidote to the stresses in your life, soothing your soul and promoting a sense of calm. It can even transform your perspective, gently guiding you towards positivity and away from dwelling on life’s challenges.

Share your little moments of beauty with someone, deepening your connection with others, strengthening your sense of belonging. Practicing this every day will help you create emotional resilience, nurturing a well of joy to draw from when times are tough. Seeing beauty in small things is an act of self-love, helping you on your path to emotional balance and wellbeing, it is a tool that has helped me personally through some very tough times in my life.

Essential oils that can help you notice the beauty around you:

Bergamot, Cypress, Black Spruce, and Shinrin-Yoku

Essential Oils Questions - ask Scarlet Strapko NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist

Essential Oil Questions?

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Scarlet Strapko, NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist


The information presented is for educational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for medical counseling. The statements made above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.